
Boost Your Confidence As An Artist NOW in 4 Steps

Four Steps To Boost Your Confidence As An Artist NOW

What is confidence really? It feels mystical and something people are just “Born with”. I was NOT born with confidence, it feels like I was born far from it if that’s a thing. But the truth is that confidence can be learned and developed just like any other trait or skill… and it’s a lot easier to develop than you might initially believe. So, in this article, I want to share four steps to boost your confidence as an artist now.


What are the four steps to boost your confidence?

What are the four steps to boost your confidence as an artist?

  1. Practice the “I am” phrase
  2. Social Media Cleanse (Don’t Compare)
  3. Comfort doing the uncomfortable
  4. Repetition

These steps have been CRITICAL in my continued growth as an artist/business owner. So let’s break these points down now.

1. Practice the “I am” Identity Phrase

The “I am” identity phrase is a simple yet extremely powerful self-identity builder. This tactic can quickly change your emotional, mental, and even physical states to some extent. You might have figured out how it works just by reading the title. Here’s what to do. Simply tell yourself WHO you want to be. For example, If you want to be a powerful singer just say “I am a powerful singer” or if you want to be an EDM producer, say ” I am a great EDM producer”.

Here’s the identity phrase formula. “I am a” + (uplifting or positive word) + (WHO you want to be).

All three elements are critical for building identity. And you need to say these OUT LOUD. The louder the better really. Speaking this into existence helps your mind, body, and soul (identity) each participate. “I am” identity phrases are a powerful way to boost inner confidence. By repeating your identity internally and audibly you are reinforcing who you want to be and how you want to act.

P.S. You can also practice emotional “I am” phrases… just change the formula to “I am feeling” + (Positive word).


2. Social Media Cleanse (Don’t Compare)

This sounds like a tough one in today’s age where value seemingly comes from others. That right there is the core issue with Social Media. Our value and appeal are essentially dictated by the number of followers, likes, and 🔥🔥🔥’s resulting in major spikes and valleys in our confidence. Here’s the crazy part, no matter how many likes you get your confidence will never reach its full potential when being dictated by others. 

Now let’s fix that. Turn off social media for about 2 weeks. Completely. Say “Hey everybody I’m going to take a short mental break from social media.” Then delete your apps. Just 2 weeks. People might notice. If you really don’t want to delete then simply turn off all notifications and hide the apps in a subfolder way in the distance of your phone so they are more difficult to access.

Part two of this is to now revel in the fact that your art is yours and nobody else’s. Without the noise of social media, it begins to come clear just how much you care about your projects and how original your work is. You’ve stopped comparing and started enjoying. That enjoyment is confidence.

Obviously, your two weeks will end and you will return to social media. BUT DO NOT COMPARE YOURSELF TO ANYTHING YOU SEE. This is the quickest way to undo the feeling of confidence you’ve built over your two-week cleanse. Additionally, once your two weeks are up, limit social media to POSTING and DMing. Scrolling is the fastest way to compare yourself, even initially. So continue to cut it off at the source at often as possible.


3. Comfort doing the uncomfortable

The previous points are all about UNCOVERING your confidence that exists yet is hidden. But becoming comfortable doing the uncomfortable is the ultimate way to GROW your confidence. Why? Because some of the uncomfortable areas of being an artist are generally the areas we know need help with. For example, posting to social media. Becoming comfortable doing the uncomfortable is of course going to be a tough topic. If you are serious about growing and reaching your full potential then somewhere internally you’ll feel the necessity to challenge yourself.

Where to start though? Well, uncomfortable situations are different for everybody. But here are a few common ones. Cold Calls. Cold Outreach (DMing somebody who has not met you yet). Small talk in the elevator. Posting your music or art to social media. Even saying Happy Birthday can feel uncomfortable (that’s me, I’m a massive introvert).

Here’s the ONE tip to begin facing the uncomfortable. Create a template interaction.

For example, (Cold Outreach) – Hey! I heard your song XXXX on my favorite playlist XXXXX. I really enjoyed it! What was your favorite part about making that track? or (Elevator talk) Good Morning, How are you today? or (Birthday text/ card) Happy Birthday! Enjoy your day! – NAME.

It might feel robotic and weird to have pre-set words ready to go. Maybe it is, but the point is NOT to be the best public speaker or close a 10,000 sale. The point is to start SMALL and breakthrough that outermost layer of fear and doubt. The outer layer is always the toughest to break.  With time (and our next point repetition), the uncomfortable will become comfortable allowing you to expand your questions, connection, and ability to share your art. That is the ultimate goal, to share your art confidently.

4. Repetition

To wrap this up, let’s talk about repetition. As a musician, repetition is the foundation of progress. We practice our measures, re-create patches, or sing the same line over and over again. Repetition is also vital in boosting self-confidence because it challenges us to practice being and feeling confident. Simply repeat the steps above Monthly, Weekly, and even Daily to feel the results.

Creating good habits by scheduling regular blocks of time to achieve is a great method for building positive repetition. For example, I write these blog posts for one hour every Thursday. Knowing WHEN I’m going to do something without even thinking about it helps me create more, experience zero stress, and feel great about it. All the little benefits that help one to feel confident.

Four Steps To Boost Your Confidence As An Artist: Conclusion

So what are the four steps?

  1. Practice the “I am” phrase
  2. Social Media Cleanse (Don’t Compare)
  3. Comfort doing the uncomfortable
  4. Repetition

By practicing these positive confidence-building habits you’ll start to feel a change when discussing or showing your music/art to others. It takes time. So don’t think that one week of the I am phrase is going to change anything overnight. If it does, let me know cause that is dope as heck!

Anyways, thanks for reading my little blog. As always, I hope you got a bit of good info from here.


– Kye

If you are interested in getting a free mix consultation click HERE to book a live 10-minute session with me. All you need is your current mix in mp3 format. This is great if you’ve still hit a wall with your mix even after meditating. 

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